AI Video Generation with LTX-Video

Video generation is fun using LTX-Video and ComfyUI. Come see what sort of videos you can generate with this new AI tech.

The short clips below were completely generated with text prompts using an LLM AI model called LTX-Video. I booted up some software on my computer called ComfyUI. To setup ComfyUI I used this documentation, there's a ComfyUI workflow listed that I was able to import to easily generate it once you've downloaded and setup the models.

The other video models I found required much better hardware to generate videos from text, so this model is a nice breath of fresh air that it actually ran on my tablet/eGPU setup.

AI Impacting today's economy

Forbes notices the writing on the wall, at least in this op-ed piece titled "Will AI Make Universal Basic Income Inevitable?". I mean this situation, having a universal income across all citizens might become a necessity if we want to keep things going how it's going. If unemployment reaches 40+% of the population, well that creates a very negative society where people are unable to afford what they need to survive. I really don't see another option to ensure the economy keeps running. We need money flowing through every part of the economy to ensure it works going forward. If people don't have discretionary spending then many small businesses go under and it's cyclic in the nature of pain.

So just a short update today, been mostly playing around with AI and doing Christmas stuff with work and last minute running around.


Evening edit: I figured I should add a video I watched close to a decade ago, It's entitled "Humans Need Not Apply" by Youtuber CGP Grey. It's from 2014, and this was sort of the advent of general labour robots. AI and LLMs are making a lot of progress in fields not even on CGP Grey's radar back in 2014, but it all still applies today.

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